The customer support platform built for sellers.

Bypass a poor support experience and delight customers with an easy path to resolving their issues.

Customers come to you, not the marketplace.
Get the info you need to help your customers.

Self-Service > Customer Service

Customers Scan to report issues without emailing or calling.

Skip the back and forth with customers. MakeRight asks the right questions up front.

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.

Stop asking customers to email photos of their issues. With MakeRight, customers upload them directly allowing for one touch resolution of their issues.

Simplify customer service with MakeRight so you can focus on your business.

MakeRight offers a simple easy to use platform & automations that make resolving customer issues easy.

Marketplace Seller? Prevent Costly Returns & Bad Reviews.

Most returns and poor scores are preventable. When the customer contacts you first, you’re in control.

Dispose of unnecessary returns, not perfectly good inventory.
Returns shouldn’t be the default option for customers. MakeRight puts you in charge of the customer journey.

Eliminate Blindspots

Returns tell you nothing. Find out the real issues so you can improve.

Win More Damage Claims

Most claims are lost because the damage is poorly documented. With MakeRight, you don’t have to ask customers for more information.

End Poor Reviews With Minimal Effort

Marketplaces prompt customers to return products before giving you a chance to fix their problem.